Saturday, July 01, 2006


Fine and Commercial Art

In addition to my work in writing, I have also studied, worked in and sold art, both fine and commercial.

Using graphics programs at every generation, I learned to use the capabilities of each one to create the best possible graphic for the technology of the day. As such I worked with small magazines, newspapers and subsidy presses, creating designs, advertisements, layouts, photographs, drawings and other elements of publishing.

A few of those items appear below.

^A simple floor plan for a proposed office space merger of two publishing concerns.

^A simple line drawing advertisement commissioned to the real estate client's specifications.

^The second line drawing used in a consecutive ad, again at the client's request.

^A snowy egret: graphite on paper

^Loon, graphite on paper.

^Story art, HOME Magazine, Bellevue Journal American newspaper

^Detail from "Virgin of the Rocks," Leonardo da Vinci, graphite on Coquille board

^Mixed art project, calligraphy and water color pens