Following more than a year of developing a sign ordinance to control billboards in Wenatchee, an outdoor sign company is asking Chelan County to allow billboards along the Stevens Pass Highway. Diane De Rooy reports.
The Obie Outdoor Advertising Company of Medford, Oregon has asked Chelan County’s Planning Commission to allow billboards along State Highway 2
Wenatchee resident Jim Snyder, who led the movement to revise the city’s sign ordinance, says the permits should be denied. He says the proposed billboards violate the spirit of the 30-year-old Scenic Vistas Act. At the time it was written, he says, the act was not comprehensive enough to incorporate the scenic rural highways of Washington State
The county planning department has recommended approval of one of Obie’s requested sites. It is directly on a Colville Indian burial ground near the city of Cashmere. If the permit is granted, Obie will have to obtain a letter from the Colvilles approving the billboard’s placement
The Chelan County Board of Adjustment will consider the request during its meeting tonight
For Northwest Public Radio, I’m Diane De Rooy